IDrive Tunnel

IDrive Tunnel helps you to expose your local web server to the public without any cloud server, domain name or SSL certificate. It is secure.!

1. Create a tunnel credentials

Call the below API and fetch the credentials for the tunnel client

curl -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"username":"<USER_NAME>"}'

USER_NAME : idrive username

API OUTPUT: { token, tunnel_server, public_web_url }

Note: This API works only from IDrive test and production servers

2. IDrive Tunnel Client installation guide

Step 1 : Install

curl -fsSL "" | sh
Step 2 : Configure

Edit /etc/idtunnel/idtuncli.conf

TOKEN : “token” attribute from create_tunnel API output

TUNNEL : “tunnel_server” attribute from create_tunnel API output (default : tls://

Step 3 : Start the service

systemctl start idtuncli
Step 4 : Test the public web url from your web-server

"public_web_url" attribute from create_tunnel API output

Example :

Note: Make sure your web application serves with only one port number.